Creditor Harassment?
Make It Stop.
Call 510-556-1160 to schedule your free bankruptcy consultation and learn how we can help stop creditors from harassing you today!
Retain an AttorneyAfter you retain me as your attorney, you can start referring all of your creditors to me and they can no longer call you. You can retain me for as little as $100. Click below to schedule your free consultation.
File BankruptcyThe day you file bankruptcy, all creditor actions against you must stop. There can be no more phone calls, wage garnishments, bank levies, or lawsuits. Call 510-556-1160 to find out more.
Discharge of DebtAt the end of the bankruptcy, you will receive a discharge of your debts. You will now be free of your previous creditors forever. Call 510-556-1160 or schedule an appointment to get your fresh start.
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